Mendoza Graduate Student Life Team

Your Mendoza Graduate Student Life team is here to advise you throughout your academic journey. Our team is here to help you with the following:

  • General resources and support for your academic and student life experiences
  • Academic advising
  • Liaison with university resources
  • Collaborate with academic departments and other program administrators on curriculum and scheduling.
  • Work closely with faculty to resolve academic and student challenges
  • Enrich student experience in partnership with Experiential Learning and Career Development colleagues
Christine Headshot Vcg
Director, Mendoza Graduate Student Life
Sam Headshot Vcg
Assistant Director, Mendoza Graduate Student Life
Cathi Kennedy update
Assistant Director, Mendoza Graduate Student Life
Shery Nadai Updated Vcg
Assistant Director, Mendoza Graduate Student Life
Teresa True Vcg
Associate Director, Mendoza Graduate Student Life

